The TV anime adaptation of Grisaia: Phantom Trigger is scheduled to debut in 2024, according to an announcement made today on the official website and Twitter account for Frontwing’s visual novel series, Grisaia. Bibury Animation is going to produce anime. Nine chapters of Phantom Trigger, which picks up where Mihama Academy left off in The Fruit of Grisaia, were released on Windows and Steam between 2017 and 2022. The six-episode OVAs that preceded the series’ theatrical and Blu-ray releases were released. In February 2022, news about the newest TV anime production was released.

Complete information about Grisaia: Phantom Trigger anime:

The Fruit of Grisaia was released on Steam by Frontwing and Sekai Project in 2015. Even in other Western nations, the game exceeded its target. Afterwards, Frontwing and Sekai Project made The Eden of Grisaia and The Labyrinth of Grisaia available on Steam. These three games were so well-liked that manga and anime adaptations were quickly made.

Cast and Staff members:

Many former members of the 2019 original video anime cast return to their respective roles. The actors Ayane Sakura as Tohka, Kaori Nazuka as Christina, Atsumi Tanezaki as Murasaki, and Maaya Uchida, who plays Rena, are among them. The anime at Bibury Studio will be produced and directed by Tensho, the company’s founder. The series scripts will be written and overseen by him as well. Character designer and principal animator Akio Watanabe works on the anime, while Ryuichiro Yamakawa produces it.

Grisaia: Phantom Trigger THE STAGE :

On May 2–6, 2024, the Hikosen Theater in Tokyo will host the stage play adaption of Grisaia: Phantom Trigger THE STAGE. Chapters two and three of the original game are explored in this thrilling new plot that the play gives.

Mew as Tohka Shishigaya, Rin Kaname as Christina Sakurako, Moe Tsurumi as Reina Fukami, and Ria Kobato as Saki Ikomamura make up the core cast of the play. Along with Sena Horikoshi, Riko Shimizu, and Marina Kumamoto, who play Maki, Haruto, and Shiori, respectively, will be featured.

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