On April 7, the anime adaptation of Hitsuji Gondaira’s manga, Mission: Yozakura Family, will make its debut. In this espionage family comedy, Taiyo Asano, Mutsumi Yozakura, and her overbearing brother are followed along with the theme tune from Ikimono-gakari. Netflix and Prime Video will both provide anime streaming.
Based on the manga Yozakura-san Chi no Daisakusen by Hitsuji Gondaira, the second promo video for the anime Mission: Yozakura Family was released on Sunday via the official Twitter account. The teaser for the next show, Ikimono-gakari, premieres on April 7 at 5:00 p.m. (4:00 a.m. EDT) on MBS, TBS, and its 26 affiliated channels. It also features the opening theme music, “Unmei-chan” (Fate). Netflix and Prime Video will also offer streaming access to the series.
Aoi Yūki as Shion Yozakura, Kazuyuki Okitsu as Shinzō Yozakura, Yumi Uchiyama as Nanao Yozakura, Reiji Kawashima as Taiyō Asano, Akari Kitō as Futaba Yozakura, Katsuyuki Konishi as Kyōichirō Yozakura, and Yoshitsugu Matsuoka as Kengo Yozakura and Goliath are among the cast members.
The talented filmmaker behind films such as Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World and the Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya, Mirai Minato, will be directing the anime Mission: Yozakura Family. Minato is responsible for monitoring the intricate details of the script in addition to directing the series at SILVER LINK. The characters are adorned with artistic flare by Mizuki Takahashi, who previously worked on Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation. As the main animator for Mission: Yozakura Family, Takahashi makes sure that the animations of the characters are lively and compelling. As with any anime, Kōji Fujimoto, known for his work on Tearmoon Empire and Ragna Crimson, and Osamu Sasaki, deftly handle the music composition.
Who’s Been Behind The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated Before? and Crimson Ragna. Mission: Yozakura Family is positioned to not only convey the spirit of the manga but also to provide an anime experience that is both visually and sonically captivating with this experienced crew leading the charge.
The CHiCO song “fam!” serves as the series’ finale theme.
Since August 2019, Gondaira’s manga has been published simultaneously in English by Viz Media and Weekly Shonen Jump. Compilated volumes were first made available online in December 2020 and in print beginning in October 2022 by Viz Media. The English digital publication of the manga is provided by Shueisha’s MANGA Plus service, which also provides the following plot summary:
Taiyo Asano is an extremely introverted high school student who finds it difficult to communicate with anyone outside of his childhood friend, Mutsumi Yozakura. As it happens, Mutsumi is descended from the most prestigious spy family! Not only is Kyoichiro her overbearing brother, but he is also harassing Mutsumi. What extreme measures must Taiyo take in order to save Mutsumi? An amusing family spy comedy – the mission starts!