The Japanese manga series Grand Blue Dreaming has been created by illustrator Kimitake Yoshioka and author Kenji Inoue. It first appeared in Kodansha’s seinen manga magazine in April 2014. English-language digital versions of the manga can be bought under the Kodansha Comics brand from Kodansha USA. From July to September 2018, MBS’s Animeism programming block featured an anime television series that was adapted from Zero-G. A live-action film adaptation debuted in August 2020.
Iori Kitahara, a new resident of the Izu Peninsula, is looking forward to starting college. Over his uncle’s dive shop, Grand Blue, he will have a room. He is quickly shocked to meet the local Diving Club, a bunch of strong men who would rather have fun than actually dive. While his cousins try to teach him about the joy of diving into the sea, Iori tries to stay apart from the group but quickly finds himself involved in their actions.
Grand Blue Dreaming anime Details
The Kenji Inoue and Kimitake Yoshioka manga series served as the inspiration for the Grand Blue Dreaming anime series. Shinji Takamatsu is the writer and director of the anime series; Takamatsu also oversaw the sound design. Zero-G produced the animation, and Hideoki Kusama created the character designs. It ran on the Animeism programming block on MBS, TBS, BS-TBS, and AT-X from July 14 to September 29, 2018. Additionally, the series was only available globally on Amazon Video for streaming. Grand Blue by Shōnan no Kaze serves as the opening theme music, and “Konpeki no al Fine” by Izu no Kaze—a group made up of Yūma Uchida, Ryohei Kimura, Hiroki Yasumoto, and Katsuyuki Konishi—serves as the closing theme song.
Grand Blue Dreaming anime where to watch ?
It is already available on Amazon Prime Video and Disney Plus, and there is no confirmation that it will be made available on Crunchyroll.
How many episodes in Grand Bule Dreaming anime ?
There were 12 episodes in the series.
- “Deep Blue”
- “Underwater”
- “A New World”
- “The Male Beauty
- “Too Late
- “First Buddy”
- “Doubles”
- “Men’s Cocktails”
- “Shopping”
- “Arrival in Okinawa”
- “You Have the Wrong Idea”
- “Otori”